Questions & Answers

After updating to Studio One Pro 4-Sustained notes drop druing playback and clipping occurs even when at -10db

0 votes
asked Apr 9, 2020 in Studio One 4 by ryanmcclendon1 (140 points)
Hey guys!

So I recently JUST updated to Studio One Pro 4 and I'm totally in love with the new features! However, I have had a few annoying experiences while recording and playing back.

Issue #1- When recording a instrument that uses sustain, it records perfectly but then when I play back, the recorded notes are not sustained anymore. The only way of me fixing this is to select all the notes and cut a half a sec from the beginning of each note and it seems to work fine during playback...any ideas on this one?

Issue #2-When recording certain instruments I tend to overly clip and my instruments become distorted for no apparent reason. I tried turning the master faded volume down to about -6db and it still clips extremely hard and distorts. All of this i noticed began happening after I updated. Any suggestions or has anyone else experienced this?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Apr 15, 2020 by B4time (510 points)
I had the same problem. It was awhile ago now but I think the prob fixed itself after deleting my keyboard and reinstalling it [ studio one options > external devices] . That prob only occurred with my Komplete Kontrol S8 mk2 (since sold - and not missed! But that's another story!) that I was using on a laptop. My main install uses a kurzweil workation on a desktop and never had the problem. I wasn't ever sure if it was v4 that caused the prob, the S8, a new half damper pedal or a windows update.
0 votes
answered Oct 27, 2020 by tomvogel (240 points)
This problem has occurred for me often also and I also attribute it to Natve Instruments expensive MK2 midi disaster machine.  Midi and this keyboard are not very friendly to each other.  My fix was to delete all controllers and then let Studio One find it and then it plays correctly on playback but this problem repeats itself to often.