Questions & Answers

memorise last note length

+10 votes
asked Apr 10, 2020 in Editing by soundpryncemusic (320 points)
simple feature request for the piano roll to memorise the last note length , this makes workflow a lot quicker when penciling in notes without a midi keyboard or just in general. this seems like a simple feature request that can b enabled in an update which I am hoping for since I have just recently upgraded to S1 4

2 Answers

+3 votes
answered Mar 25, 2021 by tulliocolacicco (340 points)
DUDE I NEED THIS!. THIS IS WHAT SEPERATES FL STUDIO FROM STUDIO ONE. it really is so important for workflow purposes. when you go from fl studio to studio one this is the one thing that sticks out like a sore thumb.
0 votes
answered Sep 30, 2023 by AlonsoUrmeneta (780 points)
Yes please! This option would make for some very great note input speed