Questions & Answers

Will Studio One 4 work with an Intel Celeron J3455 processor?

0 votes
asked Apr 25, 2020 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by davidstokarski (120 points)
I have an ACEPC AK1 that has an Intel Celeron J3455 chip installed. I meet the RAM and storage requirements but I read recently that you must have an i3 chip or higher. Before paying for this product, I just wanted to know if it would work on my device.

1 Answer

–1 vote
answered Apr 26, 2020 by kevinmiller12 (210 points)
I am no expert with Studio One nor am I a computer wiz. I can share my personal experience with upgrading both computer and software. I purchased a Dell G5 gaming computer with Intel i9, 32 gb ram,  Nvidia 2070 ti Super graphics card and upgraded to Studio One 4. The software keeps crashing. They have a software programming issue and from the research that I have conducted, they refuse to acknowledge it. Upgrade if you want to but don't expect to have the upgrade solve anything. I am considering switching DAWS.