Questions & Answers

Recording Aux returns as separate tracks

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asked May 9, 2020 in Ai Mixers by markrinder (160 points)
Here is an issue that I can not work out

I want to record the aux returns alongside my 16 tracks of audio in studio one 4 using my Studiolive 16.4.2 aI

Here is an example of the problem, In the i/o set up page of studio one I create 2 stereo inputs called return 1 and return 2 and assign them to aux 9,10 and 11,12 respectively. I then plug a Keyboard into the left channel of aux return A. I can then record the keyboard along side my other 16 inputs. However I see Signal on all my aux inputs 9,10,11 and 12. Also even weirder is all audio from any of the 16 channels also appears in this aux on studio one.

TL:DR I want to record 20 channels of audio from my 16.4.2, my 16 inputs and my 2 stereo aux returns. It seems possible but it also seems like they are linked.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 13, 2020 by jonnydoyle (403,740 points)
Best answer
You would need to change the sends 17/18 to be your AUX that you wish to record. Be default its set as your main left and right.