I am trying to record a live set using my Studio One 4 DAW. I have my guitar running through my Bias Mini head, into my Focusrite 18i20. I have three instances of Serum, one for a vocoder data track, and two separate 8 bar Synth lines mapped to my MPKmini. I am only using these tracks while I am in between songs that I have audio backtracks for. So for example, I start with a 16 bar loop that is recording takes of my guitar, and continuously looping a bounced audio 808 beat, and the three serum lines. Once I am done playing, I disengage the loop, and allow it to continue to measure 17 and so on, where I have a song completely made up of audio tracks. Once this song ends, it goes into another loop, this time only 8 bars, but the second I go to redraw the loop region, Studio One just crashes, PLEASE HELP! The only thing I can think to do is bounce all the audio tracks in my set down to a single track but if there is anything else I am missing please let me know!
Thank you so much!
I have a 3.06 ghx processor with an 8 gb memory card on a late 2012 iMac with a solid state drive