Questions & Answers

How to get sound into Studio One 4.6 for recording

0 votes
asked Jun 11, 2020 in StudioLive Series III by jorgeduran (310 points)
Hi and thanks in advance for any help.

I have a StudioLive 32SC and Studio One running on a MacBook Pro 15. I have tried to no avail to get sound into Studio One 4.6 by using the StudioLive 32SC as an audio interface. I have followed several videos and the manual and for some reason I cannot get signal into Studio One.

I have ruled out a bad USB Cable as I am able to playback from Studio One 4.6 into my StudioLive 32SC mixer. I also have transport controls through UC Net and both my mixer (Studio Live 32SC) and Studio One see each other in the Audio Setup.

I have setup inputs in the Audio setup and I don't get any signal no mater if I have the track record enabled or not. I created one Stereo input and one mono in Studio One that mimic Inputs 1&2 and Inout 3 respectively and still no signal.

Interestingly, I am able to get sound (signal) into Reaper just fine using the same settings, so I wonder if there is a step in Studio One I am be missing....

7 Answers

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answered Jun 11, 2020 by ryanm1 (8,420 points)
If you try another interface does it work? What are your settings?
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answered Jun 11, 2020 by jorgeduran (310 points)
Unfortunately, I do not have another to use. Regarding my settings, I am using Studio One 4.6 on a Mac with Catalina OS. I have the Studio Live 32SC connected to my Mac via USB and also ethernet for DAW Control. The DAW Control works and playback of an audio file I dragged into a track in Studio One plays back fine on the Mixer on the TAPE Channel ( as expected). I just don't know why I cannot seem to be able to get sound in. I have installed drivers and Universal Control and latest firmware for StudioLive 32SC and restarted the mac several times and nothing...
0 votes
answered Jun 12, 2020 by ryanm1 (8,420 points)

Did you watch these videos?

0 votes
answered Jun 12, 2020 by jorgeduran (310 points)
Thanks Ryan,

I watched the videos and for the sake of being diligent repeated everything on the video to the letter on my system and I still cannot get audio into Studio One. Furthermore, I went ahead and downloaded Logic Pro (demo) and I was able to route audio in and out Logic from and back to the mixer without a hitch. That's 3 for 2, three DAWs (Reaper, Logic Pro and Studio One) and 2 working seamlessly with my StudioLive 32SC (Reaper and Logic Pro)

I am dumbfounded that Studio One which I assume was built to work with Presonus gear just won't work. Ironically I like the integration of Studio One better than say HUI for Logic. The integration for transport controls from StudioLive to Studio One is great, way better than HUI Protocol, but without being able to get audio signal into Studio One for recording makes me feel I wasted the money on Studio One. The only reason I was interested in Studio One in the first place was because of the supposed integration with my StudioLive 32SC mixer. I wish I would have taken that money and gotten Logic instead...
0 votes
answered Jun 12, 2020 by jorgeduran (310 points)
Hi again,

As I continue to troubleshoot my system I continue to rule out items in my system. I now believe the problem is Studio One 4.6, not my Studio Live 32SC. Not only have  been able to get audio signal back and forth from Logic Pro and Reaper, but I now have also being able to record to Presonus own Capture 3.

I wonder why I can record to Capture 3 and still I am not able to record to Studio One 4.6?
0 votes
answered Jun 12, 2020 by jorgeduran (310 points)
I was able to fix the problem with the help of a very generous gentleman named Hans-Martin Wahler from the Presonus StudioLive 32 Group on Facebook.

To pay it forward if anyone else has this issue, this document helped me solved it: