Questions & Answers

Settings not saved after restart of S1

+1 vote
asked Jul 7, 2020 in Studio One 5 by charlienguyenvanphuc (960 points)
I just upgraded to v5, and it seems the settings are not saved when I apply them and restart. I have been having the following issues:

- Licence agreement popping each time I start up S1

- Plugin scanner opening up at startup even after deactivating it

- Unchecking some boxes in the settings, apply and restarting, the boxes were still check after restart

- Exported custom keyboard shortcuts from S1v4 and imported in S1v5 were not saved after restart

I am using a MacBook Pro (late 2017) with Mojave

I am also having crashes when trying to load a S1v4 song, but I cannot diagnose the problem since each time I try deactivated VST support for example, the service is still enabled when I restart S1

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jul 8, 2020 by jiahaohuang (180 points)

I'm having the same issues. Please fix this presonus sad

Info: Mac Pro late 2013, macOS 10.14.6

+2 votes
answered Jul 8, 2020 by charlienguyenvanphuc (960 points)
I found the solution on the Presonus Studio One support group on Facebook.

It is very likely that a "Studio One 5" preference folder was not created by Studio One 5 in application support, and cause this issue to rise. To remediate this, go to [Username]/Library/Application/Presonus (or create it if it does not exist), and then create a folder named "Studio One 5" (without quotes). Then relaunch Studio One 5 and quit. If the folder is populated with preference files, this should have worked.