Questions & Answers

Missing files

+3 votes
asked Aug 12, 2020 in Studio One 5 by marcoscabrera (280 points)
Does anyone know, why all of a sudden today there are missing files on my songs.  At least 5 of my songs comes up with a message that they are missing and I do need them.  I have tried to locate them and have reviewed many youtube videos, which do not work for me.  But it appears that Studio One is becoming unstable.

I am new at recording, but I have not deleted or moved any files, so Studio One is totally the problem here.

How do I get my files back.  I can see them in the Pool.

Do I have record them again or should I change DAW's.



4 Answers

+1 vote
answered Nov 9, 2020 by jondarling1 (190 points)
Hey man, any luck here? I am not new to recording and have used Ableton and ProTools. I happily switched to studio one 5 and was really digging it. I have my "Save" folder designated to an external HD (Like most other producers), but when I plugged the HD into my other machine today for some remote work, It stated that I had many missing files (and in this instance, it wouldn't even let me locate, or accept them) This seems to be a BIG problem, and like you've experienced, there isn't any help available.

I will reach out to the support team now with a detailed description of what's going on, as this determines how I upgrade my machines, gear, and ultimately my DAW.
+1 vote
answered Jan 20, 2021 by donkallembach (200 points)
I am having the same problem.  Were you able to resolve it?


+1 vote
answered Jan 28, 2021 by theodoreweber (210 points)
I am having the same problem in version 5.1.2 and have been having the same problem since version 4.6.

Any song file that I haven't opened in a month or two comes up with missing files (Midi, audio, loops, seems very random). Very frustrating. I back up to the cloud and external hard drive. Studio One shows the tracks but all the Midi and audio information is gone. WTF. Very frustrating when you've got clients waiting on you.

Presonous? Hello? Anyone out there?

What am I missing?
0 votes
answered Jul 11, 2024 by keithdunwoody (410 points)
edited Jul 12, 2024 by keithdunwoody
Was also having this intermittent issue.

Discovered from good ol' Joe G (Gilder) on YT: Go to Options | Locations and check the box that says "Ask to copy external files when saving document."  When you save you will see S1 quickly copy the files to the media folder in your song's file directory.

Thanks Joe!