Questions & Answers

How do I get touch working on Acer T272HL touchscreen and Catalina-based Mac

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asked Sep 15, 2020 in Studio One 5 by Jsekel (180 points)
edited Sep 16, 2020 by Jsekel
Also trying to get Universal Control to work with touch, I follow TUIO set up but nothing seems to work.   It’s as if the Acer display is not outputting anything even though I have both HDMI and USB connection to it.  I even tried downloading and installing UPPD.  It does not find a registered device.  Just wondering if anyone successfully has this combination working.  And, if so, what recipe you followed.  And, yes, I understand that MacOS does not natively support touch screen.   That however does not mean there are not software “shims” that can be loaded to interpret the screen gestures and translate them into trackpad-like gestures that the MacOS understands.   Also, the Acer screen is direct connected via HDMI and USB, so I don’t need Acer to guarantee operation through switches, converters, etc.  I once had this working, using the TUIO with UC & Studio One, on an older MacOS.   I am wondering if Apple did something with Catalina that caused this to stop working.