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I cannot access to my presonus account grey screen nothing happens

+5 votes
asked Sep 24, 2020 in Studio One+ by richardchase1 (170 points)
Hi, I cannot access to my account.

I got a grey screen every time I try to enter

please, I need help.

12 Answers

+2 votes
answered Sep 24, 2020 by alastairwain (220 points)
Im having the same issues, pls help
+2 votes
answered Sep 24, 2020 by leoroomets (180 points)
I'm having the same problem. I did get my screen to change after quite some time and it said that a gateway was down on the PreSonus end of things. I hope they are working to fix it since I need to access my account to download some additional product. Good luck to all having this issue.
+1 vote
answered Sep 24, 2020 by gustavosantos5 (160 points)
I have the same problem!!!

Please, Presonus....fix them!!!
+1 vote
answered Sep 24, 2020 by perbillengen (800 points)
Tomorrow I have been out of service for one week, no response from support. This is really bad. Fortunately, I could move back to Ableton for the live performances I've built in Show. Had to cancel four songs for the band since I ran out of time before the gig. Two more gigs this weekend, and now I have moved back everything. Problems like this kill creativity. Studio one is great, especially for mixing, but service and support need to evolve before professionals or semi-professionals like myself can depend on this new Sphere thingy. Gigs actually help to put food on the table, mixing as well. Next weekend I have a recording session with a paying customer, I guess I will have to install version 4 again, multi-track recording and mixing are however way faster than Ableton. ;)
+1 vote
answered Sep 25, 2020 by christiandevere (160 points)
Having the same issue here, just purchased sphere now I can't get into my account or sphere.
+1 vote
answered Sep 26, 2020 by russwilson1 (790 points)
Yup, same thing here. Indicates that I am logged on, but goes to blank grey screen.
+1 vote
answered Sep 30, 2020 by salbert (1,180 points)
Tech support told me to clear the cache from my browser (Google Chrome on Windows) and that did the trick!
+1 vote
answered Nov 13, 2020 by dafgwy (160 points)
Its now Novermber 13 and I still cannot access 'my products' in sphere account screen!!!! I need to re download studio one 5 as the current update has stopped me loading 3 rd party instruments..Kontakt etc!!!!!! Presonus can you please get you fingers out and sort this as I and Im sure many other are about to walk.....
+1 vote
answered Nov 8, 2021 by dyiiiuds (330 points)

Same problem!!!  "clear the cache from my browser"  NOT WORK! Anyone!

+1 vote
answered Dec 2, 2021 by FreddyR1978 (160 points)
Had the same issue too. I ended up downloading Google Chrome and that did the trick.
0 votes
answered Mar 26, 2023 by samzaritsky (170 points)
Same problem here.  And I can't get to log in to make a troubleshooting ticket, either.  I can't use my software because I reinstalled it and have to log in to get the serial number.  Need some help here.
0 votes
answered Sep 17, 2023 by curtishamman1 (180 points)
I found a really dumb work around, thier mobile site is working. So I downloaded the studio one 6 installer on my phone. Then plugged my phone in and transfered the file. Hope this helps