Questions & Answers

Studiolive 24R Scene Recalling Issues

0 votes
asked Oct 3, 2020 in StudioLive Series III by jonfilip (300 points)

Here's the issue I'm currently having:

I have 2 NSB Stageboxes (16.8 & 8.8) connected to one 24R mixer via AVB. The NSB 16.8 is routed to the first 16 channels (1-16) on the mixer and the 8.8 is routed to the next 8 channels (17-24). I have a computer going through an interface to the mixer as well via an analog input for channels 19 & 20 (connected straight to the mixers analog inputs). On the software side, these channels are going to 15 & 16 on the mixer (routing them properly through digital patching). Everything works as it should when it configured this way.

We currently have a few different groups changing scenes regularly on the mixer as well. When I go to select my scene, channels 15 and 16 are reset to have a network input rather than an analog input. So every time the scene is recalled, I need to go to these two channels and set the correct input source type and select the correct input channels coming from the mixer (19 & 20). I've checked that all of my filters are blue when saving the scene.

What am I doing wrong? Or is there an issue with Stage boxes when being recalled? Is the mixer supposed to be doing this and resetting these channels to network from what I preset and saved them to be? Am I out of luck?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 4, 2020 by jonfilip (300 points)
Best answer
I solved the issue.

It seems that there are "layers" when it comes to saving scenes on the mixer (a feature I don't personally like). When saving to the Scene section, it seems to only save what's highlighted in blue under "scene filters". The same applies to "Project filters".

Kind of annoying seeing as most of the time I want to save everything and not have to determine myself whether the changes I made that day warrants a project save or only a scene save. If there was a toggle switch to choose between the two, it would make my workflow a little less stress free :).
0 votes
answered Oct 5, 2020 by dhanushx012dhanushx012 (140 points)
edited Oct 6, 2020 by dhanushx012dhanushx012

Thanks for the help eveThank you so much for this. I was into this issue and tired to   tinker around to check if its possible but couldnt get it done. Now that i have seen the way you did it, thanks guys
regardsryone! mx player app download
