Here's the issue I'm currently having:
I have 2 NSB Stageboxes (16.8 & 8.8) connected to one 24R mixer via AVB. The NSB 16.8 is routed to the first 16 channels (1-16) on the mixer and the 8.8 is routed to the next 8 channels (17-24). I have a computer going through an interface to the mixer as well via an analog input for channels 19 & 20 (connected straight to the mixers analog inputs). On the software side, these channels are going to 15 & 16 on the mixer (routing them properly through digital patching). Everything works as it should when it configured this way.
We currently have a few different groups changing scenes regularly on the mixer as well. When I go to select my scene, channels 15 and 16 are reset to have a network input rather than an analog input. So every time the scene is recalled, I need to go to these two channels and set the correct input source type and select the correct input channels coming from the mixer (19 & 20). I've checked that all of my filters are blue when saving the scene.
What am I doing wrong? Or is there an issue with Stage boxes when being recalled? Is the mixer supposed to be doing this and resetting these channels to network from what I preset and saved them to be? Am I out of luck?