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My recording keeps skipping on live bands. Cpu is fine please help! Maybe a software issue.

0 votes
asked Oct 12, 2020 in Studio One 4 by jamesrobertsonjr (120 points)
Hello I have studio one professional and occasionally when I record full bands it skips during recording. cpu is running find I use way bigger softwares no problem only with studio which makes me feel like it is a software issue please help!

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 12, 2020 by wesleypeterson (21,030 points)
If you're getting clicks or dropouts, it could be a bunch of things. I'd first check Studio One>Options>Audio Setup and make sure you're using an ASIO audio driver/device. If not try switching to one. If you don't have one you might want to look into ASIO4ALL, just do an internet search. If you're all good there, then I'd ask myself if latency is an issue. If I'm recording a full band live all at once and if I don't care about realtime playback, I'd just up the blocksize and dropout protection( the settings are by the audio device just hit the next tab above it. And then I'd just lower them to do overdubs and other low latency stuff. I'm sure someone else here could probably be more help. But that's where I would start.
0 votes
answered Oct 19, 2020 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
What hardware are you using with Studio One v4?  Is it a Presonus interface or another brand?  But Wesley is right - start at block size.  You can run a lower block size if you aren't using Virtual Instruments like the Impact XT or Presence xt when recording your band.