Questions & Answers

Undo Glitch While Record Enabling/ Input Monitoring

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asked Oct 20, 2020 in Studio One 5 by adarshchandran (5,530 points)
When I press Control + Z in Windows (or cmd + Z in Mac), It should normally undo any functionalites related to plugin changes, switching on and off software parameters, removing and restoring regions, etc. However, when I press the Record Enable button along with Input monitoring button in the "ON" positions, the Undo Functionality stops working and prevents me from reverting back to any previous changes. Even after turning "OFF" the Record enable and Input Monitoring, undo still does not work. However, It starts working after I turn OFF record Enable and Input monitoring and make some changes. These chain of changes however are limited as it does not go beyond when I switched on Record Enable and Input Monitoring. This is devastating as sometimes files that were accidentally disturbed or deleted can never be retrieved by UNDO if the record enable and input monitoring was ON before.