Questions & Answers

Monitoring while Recording

0 votes
asked Feb 3, 2021 in Studio One 5 by lindsayhaisley (370 points)
retagged Feb 3, 2021 by lindsayhaisley
For a track, the Monitor state will follow the Record state if the per track record button is manually pressed - which is the behavior I want. This doesn't work for auto-punch or preroll, however since these affect the TRANSPORT record state, which doesn't affect the per-channel Monitor state. Is there any way to link up the Monitor state for those tracks which are armed for recording so that when the transport record button is pressed (or automatically activated via auto-punch or preroll), monitoring will be turned on for all  armed tracks and turned off when recording is stopped? I'm using Studio One 5.1 on Windows.

If this can't be done, it sure ought to be in the queue for feature requests :)

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 3, 2021 by tothrec (32,310 points)
I think I've run into the same limitation.  This is definitely a Feature Request.  (I don't see Feature Request in your list of tags).

Sessions where I've needed input monitoring to provide EQ/reverb for my clients has been painful and embarrassing at best.

I hope this is something Presonus puts some effort into with a future release.

+1 vote
answered Feb 3, 2021 by lindsayhaisley (370 points)
edited Feb 3, 2021 by lindsayhaisley

Thank you, Steven. I've added Feature Request to the tags. I assumed I might just be missing something.

A little research turned up the fact that there's apparently an issue with system latency involved in this. If I turn off latency reduction, then, unless I have "Tape style" monitoring turned on, A track will be audible even if Monitoring is turned on. In other words, if I turn on Low Latency Monitoring in the Main Out channel, then input monitoring repalces track audio. If Low Latency Monitoring is off, then both the track and the input are monitored. It looks as if reconciliation of this isn't easy, but if it can be done using the per-track record button (with Low Latency Monitoring enabled) then surely it can be done if the transport record button is pressed to turn on recording in armed tracks.
