Questions & Answers

SOLVED! Faderport v2 and Adobe Audition

+2 votes
asked Oct 29, 2020 in FaderPort 2018 by michaelcohn1 (170 points)

I know many people have struggled to get their Faderport V2 to work with Adobe Audition and I think i have finally cracked the code and found the right combination of things to press and click. I'm using a Mac (Catalina), but I think the same probably would work on a Winders machine.

First, fire up your Faderport V2 by pressing NEXT and power at the same time. Then, press MUTE. That's the key, right there.

Go to Preferences | Control Surface and add Mackie. 

Double-click on that and click Settings

Add Mackie Control

Double-click on that and make sure MIDI Input and Output Devices are set to PreSonus FP2.

Save all that and have fun! I hope it works for you!

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 24, 2021 by samnijjar (140 points)
My Faderport v2 has most functions with Adobe Audition. However, I can't control anything above track 8 with the device. Tracks 1-8 function properly, but it won't recognize anything above that (tracks 9 and above). Does it work for you? If so, what did you do to achieve this? Thanks!
0 votes
answered Dec 2, 2021 by matthewscwartz (150 points)

I registered for an account for the sole purpose of thanking you, @michaelcohn1! Having read about the troubles some were having getting their Faderport to connect to Audition, this was the very first thing I ever tried to get it to connect — and everything works flawlessly! THANK YOU! :-)


0 votes
answered Feb 24, 2022 by dinodaddario (140 points)
Thanks for the insight in getting this to work in Audition. As a Winders user, running Win10, everything seems to be working other than the "Pause" function. Press Play as many times as you like, there NO Pause function. I followed your steps several times and still missing the Pause feature. Any Win10 users have a fix? Cheers to all!
0 votes
answered Feb 25, 2022 by chrisdominici (140 points)

Same as dinodaddario except I'm using Audition on a Mac... No "Pause" function on the PLAY/PAUSE button.

When will PreSonus and Adobe play nice? How about providing an app that allows the user to program their FaderPort v2 to work with any DAW? (Or, am I delusional and spoiled by the antiquated MIDI spec?)
