Questions & Answers

Presonus Studio 1824 SPDIF & ADAT Problems

+3 votes
asked Nov 3, 2020 in Studio Series USB Interfaces by marcz (1,340 points)

I opened a ticket with Presonus since August 2018 on the SPDIF and ADAT problem with the Studio 1824,and there are still no fixes.
The problem with SPDIF is that you have to change the frequency each time so that the input and output are recognized. On ADAT the routing is not done correctly it is sent on all the channels without recognizing mono and stereo.
Please correct these problems.

2 Answers

+4 votes
answered Jan 16, 2022 by zoltanbaranyai (220 points)
I just purchased a 1824c and found this post, because I have the same problem. And now it's 2022. Fortunately your workaround still works for SPDIF.
+2 votes
answered Mar 5, 2022 by LeylaMusic (200 points)
edited Nov 3, 2022 by LeylaMusic
Hey PRESONUS Guys, i am a very big friend of your soft- and hardware. But in this case I cannot understand why you don`t solve the problem since such a long time! Because I have the same problem. I found the post from marcz here above and of course - it will hepf for the first time. But this is not a solution! Hopefully somebody of you will read this topic and you will fix it. Many thanks to marcz for posting his "solution". Also the mono/ stereo problem is not acceptable! For example it is not possible to involve a external voicelive2 because of this problem.

Thank`s in advance.

addendum: I opened a ticket for it

Update 3rd of November 22: Nobody from Presonus interested in this? Hmm...OK, decission for me is clear: I have to use another Interface but no Presonus. Bye