Questions & Answers

My atom sq keys sometimes stick

0 votes
asked Nov 12, 2020 in Atom Pad Controllers by kevvvvv (460 points)
Regardless of which vst synth (avenger, pigments) i'm using, atom sq key pads sometimes stick when i'm playing around with my synth in arp mode,

ie, the note played won't stop sounding even after i lift my finger up. It's loke one of the notes goes into latch mode.

What causes this?

How do I stop it?

I don't get this error if i trigger the same notes with my NI s25 keyboard

I'm on Win 10 S1 Pro v5 latest. I've updated atom sq firmware

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 17, 2020 by jameswest7 (3,100 points)
selected Nov 17, 2020 by jameswest7
Best answer
This sounds like something that PreSonus support needs to get involved with. Use your My.Presonus account to open a ticket. Make sure your device is registered first.