Questions & Answers

How do you use hardware monitoring through Quantum 2626??

0 votes
asked Nov 16, 2020 in Thunderbolt - Quantum by ryand3 (200 points)
I can not get hardware monitoring to work on the Quantum 2626.

I have a Fractal FM3 hooked into the Input Mic/Line 3/4 (L/R) with 2 MIC cables from Output 1 (L/R) of my FM3. I see the Inputs receiving signal inside Universal Control but nothing comes out of the Main Outs.

Inside of Studio One the software monitoring works fine and everything records. However, I am unable to use any hardware monitoring. I need to be able to use hardware monitoring and be able to have the Quantum work even when I am not inside of Studio One.

Please help!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 29, 2021 by donboomer (1,400 points)
Hardware monitoring is not possible on the 2626. It cannot operate like a mixer as it is computer interface only.