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closed When will the compatibility issues with Apple's M1 chip + macOS Big Sur be addressed?

+36 votes
asked Dec 10, 2020 in Thunderbolt - Quantum by hamishmichael (520 points)
closed Mar 23, 2021 by connorguiberteau
After a computer failure I was forced to replace my MacBook and restored everything from a backup where my software and hardware were running perfectly.

However my new MacBook runs on Apple's new M1 chip and it's running macOS 11.0.1 Big Sur which I can not downgrade. Because of this my computer no longer recognises my Quantum 2 thunderbolt interface. The Nov 17 update doesn't seem to address the issue, I've uninstalled, restarted, reinstalled etc a number of times—still nothing. Is this a known issue, and if so, how far off is a patch? Thank you.
closed with the note: Question has been answered.

24 Answers

+2 votes
answered Mar 23, 2021 by connorguiberteau (26,950 points)
Best answer
Quantum driver support for M1 has now been released with Universal Control 3.4.2.
+5 votes
answered Dec 10, 2020 by giovannicornara (440 points)
I found this:  

Interesting, but frankly speaking, I would like a bit of more detail in this commitment.
+2 votes
answered Dec 11, 2020 by ryanjohns1 (250 points)
I'm and IT director and we are just now starting to test M1 chips. They are a drastically new architecture for software developers to adapt to. We will have to be patient, but I'm sure Presonus is working diligently since many people are probably in your same shoes. I'm responding to get an update as well. I have a quantum and looking pick up a new M1 Mini's also. I'm sure Presonus will overhaul and reprogram their entire software suite to adapt to Apples drastic changes soon.

Personus, thanks for always working fine on my backup thunderbolt PC!
+5 votes
answered Jan 16, 2021 by danielnayberg (300 points)
edited Feb 2, 2021 by danielnayberg
What is the status on this? Just installed a M1 Mac mini and the entire studio is basically bricked since we're running a 4848. Come on Presonus, at least give us some updates.

EDIT feb 2. 2021

I wrote Presonus’ Facebook-page and got the following answer:

“Hi Daniel, we are still on it and we don’t have any new details yet. This is one of our prime priorities but giving release dates of new drivers is not possible. They will be released when we can be sure they are working flawlessly.”
–1 vote
answered Jan 16, 2021 by hamishmichael (520 points)
So after hearing nothing I ended up selling my Quantum 2. I’m out of the Presonus environment altogether and I will not be buying back in. Bye
+1 vote
answered Jan 18, 2021 by ryanchua1 (180 points)

You can check the link provided:  

Quantum Series Thunderbolt products: require a custom device driver, which we provide via Universal Control. When we attempt to install Universal Control on an Apple Silicon-based Mac, the Quantum’s blue sync light will just blink repeatedly. This is because Universal Control can’t connect the Quantum device driver to the OS, as Universal Control was designed for Intel-based Macs.  This will remain the case until a new driver is available to work with these new Apple Silicon machines. We’re  working on this, and plan to fully support it sometime in early 2021.  

+2 votes
answered Feb 1, 2021 by matthewmouras (780 points)
I recently reached out to Presonus and heard from a representative named Gary who said that they are actively testing a solution for Quantum devices on M1 this week.  They are hoping for a release in the next "few weeks".
+3 votes
answered Feb 9, 2021 by zqnlcpuj (300 points)
It seems they released a new version today but i still had no luck. My Quantum 2626 still gets a blue flashing light and the "Allow" does't show when installing.
+4 votes
answered Feb 11, 2021 by ianwidgery (1,030 points)
Im getting so frustrated. I recieved the same "We're working on it" email. Estimated M1 compatability was around 2 weeks. That was 2 weeks ago. I purchased the 2626 3 weeks ago.

+3 votes
answered Feb 14, 2021 by ianwidgery (1,030 points)
Same here! New mac new 2626. No support for M1 users... with the exception of a response from Presonus telling me the M1 update should be availble in 2 weeks - That was over 2 weeks ago.
+1 vote
answered Feb 15, 2021 by denisadonis (480 points)
Any luck with the new firmware update? Is working now with the m1?
+1 vote
answered Feb 18, 2021 by zqnlcpuj (300 points)
Presonus technical support really sucks. the last ticket i created in this matter they just closed without any comment. No help, no clues, NOTHING. I wouldn't recomend Presonus to my worst enemy.
0 votes
answered Feb 20, 2021 by matthewmouras (780 points)
If you look at the release notes for the most recent driver, it shows that there is nothing in the release for apple silicon. Hopefully soon.
+2 votes
answered Feb 20, 2021 by sunilsatyamurti1 (260 points)
What does ‘Early 2021’ mean? Is it in the first 2 months, first 4 months, 6 months? The information is too vague and frankly frustrating.
+1 vote
answered Feb 22, 2021 by matthewmouras (780 points)
I work in software.  There are real challenges here as Apple silicon is quite different.  It's going to take developers time to support it.  

That being said, I too am anxious to have a functioning Presonus audio interface on my M1.  It would be better if they were more communicative about where they are in the process.
–1 vote
answered Feb 22, 2021 by maxwellmontgomery (210 points)
While the compatibility issues with m1 Macs and the quantum 2626 are annoying. (very annoying)  it is important to remember that any thunderbolt 3 interface at this price point is extremely cutting edge. AND that the unified memory in the silicon Macs is totally new technology.  I would urge anyone who is waiting on the m1 driver not to sell their quantum because it will be here soon and the speed will be AMAZING. The best available option under 1000$ BY FAR

My guess is that if m1 support is not released with the next UC firmware update that we are in store for another 6+ month wait.  

That being said would love improved communication between presonus and their community.
0 votes
answered Feb 24, 2021 by ianwidgery (1,030 points)
Weeks later and still no M1 Fix. The worst customer service experince ever.  I am returning my unit.
0 votes
answered Feb 24, 2021 by timlovegrove (570 points)
Exactly the same situation, old MacBook died and had to be replaced, new M1 chip prevented my old interfaces working as well so I bought a 2626, which currently isn't supported. I appreciate it's a big change to build new drivers for a new chipset, but Apple must have provided SDK's a while back.
0 votes
answered Mar 5, 2021 by matthewmouras (780 points)
The support page was updated yesterday, but no differences jumped out at me. Was hoping it was a firmware release with M1 support.
0 votes
answered Mar 7, 2021 by kauffman214 (200 points)
Early 2021" is typically Q1 of the year.   This means we should see something in the next 2-3 weeks; since Q1 ends this month.  Given that the original product was available in November 2020, I remain optimistic as it is approach 5-6 months of elapsed time.  Apple is probably about 2-3 months away from releasing their NEXT generation M1 machines with even more processing power.  I do hope that Presonus updates pre-date that release. Personally, I'm waiting for Native M1 next generation solutions before I do any further investment in anything.
+1 vote
answered Mar 13, 2021 by frankpedersen1 (320 points)
I opened up a new request at PreSonous support page on getting a more precise estimate on when a new firmware will be ready, and a request for a running process updates on the ther support page. Those lose estimates they have provided people with so far have been vague and imprecise, and ther info at is not worth much.

I really hope they acknowledge that this is important and understand that Apple is switching to ther own silicon processors 100%. Timeline said around two years from mid/late 2020, but I don't expect to see any new intel mac's from now on to be honest.

It honestly feels like ProSonus is giving people the runaround. Am I really going to have to switch to a new manufacturer by the end of this month? I'm not waiting anymore than that for sure. I honestly have my doubts that they will deliver new firmware/drivers within 2 - 3 weeks, but fingers crossed.
–3 votes
answered Mar 16, 2021 by arbelos2 (130 points)
I'm going to respond to the impatient folk on here. I'm not associated with Presonus except as a user.

The Apple M1 is a game changer, and for various reasons I'm now using an M1 before I planned to. I knew that my Quantum wasn't going to work with it, cos I read it here on the site and elsewhere, but I still went ahead anyway and bought the M1.

BUT I'm an amateur, and I don't need the Quantum's full functionality at the moment, and I'm using another Presonus USB  2 channel thing which is working fine.

Also, I have a Macbook which, if I did need to use the Quantum, I could use.

In other words, even I have alternatives, and I'm not relying on the Quantum for a living.

I bet there are pros reading this saying they're not going anywhere near an Apple M1 until this is sorted. And they're right. And then I bet they'll test it out before deciding to shift. And keep the old system as a backup.

So, if you are complaining, AND using the quantum for a living, can I suggest you use your backup system? If you don't have a backup system, why on earth did you move to an Apple M1?

I'm pretty sure, by the way, that Presonus are working on the update as fast as they can, and I'm as impatient as anyone else, but I can wait, as I'm not relying on it for my living.

So, sit back, relax, make some music. Presonus will release it when it's good and ready, and not a moment before.
+3 votes
answered Mar 17, 2021 by matthewmouras (780 points)
People have a justified level of impatience when they've been told by representatives that a release was "two weeks away" for the last three months.
+3 votes
answered Mar 23, 2021 by matthewmouras (780 points)
For those following this thread instead of the main support page, looks like a Quantum M1 driver was released today!  Looking forward to checking it out.