Questions & Answers

Is recording with the Studiolive 16.4.2 under macOS Big Sur in any way possible??

0 votes
asked Dec 27, 2020 in Classic Mixers by jonaweick (150 points)
Hey guys!

So I have a question...I recently bought a used (and now quite old) Studiolive 16.4.2 Mixer and I would like to record with it via FireWire and an adapter into my 2015 MacBook. I'm running Big Sur on the Mac. I did a little bit of research and read that it won't work with anything older than High Sierra...Is that completely true? Or is there any way in which I'll be able to use it with Big Sur??

Greetings Jona ;-)

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Mar 16, 2022 by neilalexander (500 points)
selected Mar 18, 2022 by mackjohnson1
Best answer
Hi Jona -

I solved it - at least for myself, but worth a try.

Download the Universal Control installer for the StudioLiveAI 16.2.4 - this isn't what we have, but I thought I'd try it.

In the installer folder is a installer for a "Firewire Driver" - installing that made my 16.4.2 (non-AI) mixer magically show up in my audio window!

Hope this works for you -

- Nail
0 votes
answered Mar 16, 2022 by neilalexander (500 points)
I'm having the same problem...

I bought my StudioLive 16.4.2 about 10 years ago; it was worked flawlessly with every version of the Mac Os - INCLDUING Big Sur - up util yesterday, when a mac software update "broke" a lot of plugins and software. Everything has been reinstalled or repaired, so it all works - Except my computer no longer recognizes the StudioLive mixer. Since it's my main studio interface, this is a real problem...!

Hopefully someone will be able to solve this for us!