Questions & Answers

Make Studio One 3 switch Line6 effetcs via MIDI.

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asked Dec 19, 2020 in Studio One 5 by jakubjursa (120 points)
Hi guys,

my band has recently started using Studio One 3 to send the song tempo using MIDI to all other devices.

(if anybody curious, the devices are: Korg Kronos, Line6 HD500X and Line6 Helix LT)

We do change tempos during our songs, so classic metronome wouldn’t do in our case.

We’d also like to program the Studio One to switch the effects for both bassist and the guitarist.

Does anyone have experience how to do this?

Should the Line6 effects be set up in any specific way?

Are any special plugin(s) neeed for Studio One?

Given we would like to have the effects changed for both Line6 HD500X and Helx LT:

Is any setup synchronization needed for the devices - e.g. same effect names, same structure, any hierarchy settings?

What needs to be done?

If you have any idea or experience, your help would be very much appreciated.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 19, 2020 by matthewritenburg (17,340 points)

Line6 HD500X and Helix LT both respond to standard MIDI Program Change messages.   If you have configured both devices as instruments that Studio One will send MIDI to, all you have to do is insert MIDI Program Change Messages where you want in the timeline for each device and make sure that the MIDI Program Change value is set to the effects presets that you want.
