Questions & Answers

Why does my audiobox not work on start up of my PC (Wind 10) unless I unplug and replug back its USB connection?

0 votes
asked Jan 8, 2021 in AudioBox USB by johnanderson20 (140 points)
Every time I start up my PC (windows 10 x64) my PreSonus Audiobox USB plays no sound. If I then unplug its USB connection and plug it back in again it starts working as it should. Is that a known problem? Any advise?


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 8, 2021 by isaiahhenderson1 (140 points)
Hey! Give this a try. Find your Sound Control panel settings by going to control panel > sound,

or type in sound settings from the start menu > scroll down until you see Sound Control panel.

In the playback tab, set your audiobox as your the default speakers. Hope this helps.