Questions & Answers

Studio One 4 UI Performance issues on MacOS Big Sur

+10 votes
asked Jan 9, 2021 in Studio One 4 by razvannica (280 points)

Hey, guys!

I'm writing this because I can't seem to find neither a solution, nor an answer, as the topic doesn't seem to be easy to find on the Internet.

I have a Studio One 4 Professional licence, running on my MacBook Pro Late 2015. 

It worked just fine until the new MacOS update came, namely Big Sur.

After the update, the UI of the studio one works unexpectedly bad. Specifically, the window freezes, it's frame rate dropped to what seems to be like 1 frame per second. However, the performance is not dropped. CPU works just fine and there are no audio drops or latency. It's just a UI issue.

On the official PreSonus compatibility page about Big Sur, there is nothing said about Studio One 4. Here is the link. Only thing mentioned is that Studio One 5 is compatible.

Has someone come across this issue? 

My intention is to not upgrade to Studio One 5. Not now at least. 

Do any of you know of an upcoming update for Studio One 4 that would solve the problem? Or should I downgrade the OS? Or are there any settings I need to adjust?

Thanks in advance!

4 Answers

+6 votes
answered Jan 10, 2021 by mikeaug (260 points)
I believe I'm having the same issue.  Following to hopefully find an answer. Would prefer to not have to pay to upgrade to Studio One 5 for the fix.
0 votes
answered Jan 11, 2021 by razvannica (280 points)

Hi,  mikeaug!

Can you please help the topic by upvoting the question?

This way it can become more visible.


–3 votes
answered Jan 12, 2021 by razvannica (280 points)


Got a reply from PreSonus Technical Support.

Since the release of Studio One 5, there will be no further developments or fixes done with Studio One 4. Version 4 is not supported on Big Sur as a result, and this would be why you are seeing the issues you are seeing. Version 4 is still a supported product overall, just not on any new updates to either Mac or Windows OS platforms. 

Our recommendations would be to either rollback your OS or upgrade to v5. 

asked Mar 26, 2021 in Studio One 4 by tapiopeltokangas (160 points) Is this true?
+1 vote
answered Oct 1, 2021 by benjibeatz1 (160 points)

I have the same problem. Apple really screwed me over this time. Some of my most important plugins are left unsupported and everything is running 3 fps. I had to throw away a substantial amount of projects which add up to like 800 hours of work. I'm devastated, what a joke of a company Apple is. And to fix these fps issues I even need to buy more upgrades? Presonus this has to be a joke