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I can't get simultaneous different meters to play back correctly.

+1 vote
asked Jan 25, 2021 in Notion by gabrielbenton (130 points)
I am trying to input a score that uses 4/4 in the piano part and 12/8 for the other parts. Of course the quarter of the 4/4 is supposed to equal the dotted quarter of the 12/8, but I can't find a way to make this play back correctly. If anyone has any insight into this, I would greatly appreciate it!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 31, 2021 by stephenjones1 (290 points)
At present there Notion doesn't support what you are trying to do.  Here's my workaround in case you're interested.

I keep everything in 4/4 and input the 12/8 as triplets in 4/4.

I know.... it doesn't look right but it does sound right and you did ask for a way to make it "play back correctly." :-)