Questions & Answers

Headphone output too quiet

+1 vote
asked Feb 1, 2021 in AudioBox USB by gianlucaconti (130 points)
Hi there,

I'm not happy with my new audiobox usb 96.

There is no way to have a decent level of volume from headphones. It's too quiet. I've tried with different headphones and different instruments, It's always too quiet.

I've also notice another weird thing. Once you turn the headphone knob after 2 o' clock to the max, you can hear the sound pan move from left to right to totally disappear in one side at the max level.

I'm so sad. I'm going to ask a refund from the dealer and look for someone else.



1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 1, 2021 by bunkeraudio (630 points)
This sounds like a hardware issue if you've tried with other headphones.  BTW, swap adapter first and see if that resolves the problem.  If not, pretty sue it's output hardware.