Questions & Answers

Change Colors on the Atom

+2 votes
asked Feb 9, 2021 in Atom Pad Controllers by nicholasforner (190 points)
Ever since the  5.1 update the Atom pads are now white and the controller has become pretty unpleasant to use.

If the colors can be changed, users should have the ability to select which colors they prefer either in universal control or within Studio One.

If this feature isn't available, I would still like an option to go back to the original yellow and blue colors. The controller was much nicer before the update and now it spends most of it's time unplugged.

1 Answer

–1 vote
answered Feb 9, 2021 by jstalcup (3,660 points)
The bottom 8 pads on that ATOM can be easily changed (and assigned commands/macros). In the S1 console window the left-hand side has a vertical row of buttons of which you need to select 'External'. This gives a list of all external devices connected to S1; choose ATOM. A popup windows shows the ATOM pads. Left-click on a pad to display the color selections. Right-click to assign commands.