Questions & Answers

How can I record vocal track to accompany music in other track?

0 votes
asked Feb 13, 2021 in Studio One 4 by davidhopper2 (160 points)
Had no problems recording tracks. My computer crashed. New hard drive set up. Windows 10 up to date. Presonus iOne up to date. Followed every FAQ/ video to set up to record. Can hear music in track one but record nothing in track 2 vocal. Same equipment as before crash. Help!

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 13, 2021 by tothrec (32,280 points)
Check your audio settings.  Maybe you need to set up your Inputs.
0 votes
answered Feb 13, 2021 by davidhopper2 (160 points)
Did that many times & reviewed against online tutorials and online video guides. When you speak into mic the signal is picked up but nothing records (yes record is set). I've tried all combinations of sound setup to make sure only audiobox is enabled. Still nothing recorded.