Questions & Answers

How do I add MIDI CC#x value y at position z inside an event?

0 votes
asked Mar 17, 2021 in Studio One 5 by cm71 (160 points)

I had seen the panel, but there is nothing I can add (see screenshot below). Could it be because this is the free demo version?

As far as the popup is concerned, I had not discovered it. It does allow you to enter the value but not the position. It would also need to stay open as a floating window or, as with note events, reside permanently on the left side. Having to position the mouse precisely and carefully each time and then right-click on the event before being able to edit it, might be time-consuming and tedious.

The more I test, the more I get the feeling that S1 treats MIDI as an annoying relic from a distant past to stay away from, hiding it under a layer of abstraction, rather than the means it is to open up an ocean of possibilities for the music producer and composer (in this respect, it reminds me of Bitwig). This is not in line with the return of hardware-based production that we have seen in recent years. Not yet the Cubase replacement I'm looking for, I guess. Too bad, there’s a lot of things I like about it.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 20, 2021 by hudsonhawkuk (240 points)
I use this to add midi CC in live mode using a control surface, or manually editing to add which ever CC you require  in S1 version 4 and 5 pro.

You can also right click on a value/fader/knob and add automation lanes for most virtual  instruments, that you can edit. Eg filter, release, decay etc