Questions & Answers

Command+Z Not Working When Using Melodyne Inside of S1 v5.1

+2 votes
asked Nov 15, 2020 in Studio One 5 by joshlozada (220 points)
I have found that the command+z (undo) function inside of Melodyne no longer works with the 5.1 update in S1. I was able to have my keyboard shortcuts set up and working well while inside of Melodyne using the ARA technology in v5 (including the undo function). After doing the update, whenever I use command+z inside of Melodyne, it takes me to the editor window inside of S1 and I lose any edits that were previously done inside of Melodyne if it wasn't already saved.

This totally slows down my workflow. I now have to go to the edit menu and select "undo"

Is there a setting are something that needs to be selected/de-selected to get this functionality back?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 18, 2020 by amaurimontalvo (160 points)
Same here. Also the command+A shortcut is not working anymore when I use Melodyne inside Studio One 5.1. Please help us, this really slowS down the workflow.
0 votes
answered Nov 18, 2020 by joshlozada (220 points)
So just last night, I decided to hit "Check For Updates" and there was an update to the new 5.1 update. After I did this, my key commands began to work again inside of Melodyne. So you should be in Studio One and that should do it. Give it a try.
0 votes
answered Apr 22, 2021 by harrykopy (620 points)
>So just last night, I decided to hit "Check For Updates" and there was an update to the new 5.1 update. After I did this, my key commands >began to work again inside of Melodyne. So you should be in Studio One and that should do it. Give it a try.

I'm having the same problem. Spent an hour editing, then reopened Studio One later in the day to continue and wanted to undo an edit. The first try did nothing, the second try made Melodyne disappear, along with all the work I did earlier in the day...very frustrating.

I would think there should be some sort of fix from Melodyne, and not so much Presonus. I filled out a Melodyne Support Form help request and will be curious to see what they come back with. I'm using Presonus 4.6, and would rather not have to spend more $$$ to upgrade to version 5, being as most of the new features I don't it would create yet another learning curve that would take even more of what little time I have to devote to music.