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"hanging" or "stuck" midi notes to external devices (hardware synths) problem in studio one, who can help me?

+6 votes
asked Apr 2, 2021 in Studio One 5 by roidebruijn (950 points)

I have a problem with hanging midi notes in studio one when composing in midi to trigger my hardware synths.

It happens when retriggering (starting the sequence a few times quickly via the spacebar on computer) while at the same time transposing the midi note up or down the scale. It seems like S1 then won't keep up and it misses the midi off message resulting in hanging notes

Im using S1 v5 and an elektron tm1 midi interface ( never had problems in other daws with the tm1; so I'm expecting this to be an S1 issue)

The same problem happens when using S1 v4 *tested that

Its super annoying when composing so I was wondering if someone has the same problems and hopefully a solution for this problem. (or if its a bug: a bug fix in the near future?)

Thanks in advance

12 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 20, 2022 by ronaldfigura (280 points)
Have you tried the "chasing" parameters?
0 votes
answered Feb 28, 2022 by garybgman (160 points)
I too am having problems with MIDI notes being stuck on sustain or frozen.
0 votes
answered Mar 24, 2022 by jasonmartin19 (590 points)
Also experiencing hanging MIDI notes on external hardware on 5.5

What S1 settings should be checked?
0 votes
answered Mar 24, 2022 by jasonmartin19 (590 points)

I've tried changing the below advanced MIDI settings and the issue still persists

MIDI monitor in the DAW shows no activity after stopping the DAW, however notes on certain synths (in my case, a Roland D-50) hang until I turn them off


Note Chase and Cut

In the Studio One/Options/Advanced/MIDI (macOS: Preferences/Advanced/MIDI) menu, you can find two options: Chase Long Notes and Cut Long Notes at Part End.

Chase Long Notes should be engaged if you would like Studio One to play back a long note even if playback begins after that note's Note On position, effectively treating the playback position as the Note On. This is very useful when working with long, synthetic drone parts, for instance, which may have a Note On at bar 1 and then continue throughout the rest of the Song.

Cut Long Notes at Part End should be engaged if you would like a note to stop playback if the related Instrument Part ends before that note's Note Off position

0 votes
answered Apr 30, 2022 by roidebruijn (950 points)
Haven't found any solution yet. I tried a different midi interface.... different routings and midi settings and stil no positive result.

Also did a test with Ableton lite and i couldn't even replicate the hanging / freezing notes problem there ...rock solid.... so I don't want to jump to conclusions yet but for thus far it seems like S1 is just not accurate enough to handle midi note off messages flawless.

I still hope i missed a setting/parameter that solves this issue although im pretty sure i checked everything. If this is purely a flaw of midi sequencing in S1 then i hope they solve it soon... As the hardware gear community is ever growing, midi stability should be one of the most important things to have a daw do flawlessly.

Myself and probably many others can't live without decent midi sequencing (of hardware equipment via a DAW) and I would hate to leave S1 simply over such a basic function.... since it does al lot of things right and in my opinion better then many other daws.

Please presonus... take a look at this issue
0 votes
answered Sep 10, 2022 by jaimeramirez4 (520 points)
Desactivating the "chase" dont resolve the problem. Please fix this. This is a super DAW but this is stop the beatiful DAW workflow...
+1 vote
answered Mar 9, 2023 by devingademan (350 points)

I am also slowly coming to the conclusion that any of the things that I try to solve this problem won't work (I'm also using quite a lot of hardware gear). As of March 10, 2023, does anyone have found a solution to this problem? Any updates from Studio One as well?
+2 votes
answered Mar 16, 2023 by timellwood (220 points)
Worked fine in Studio One 5 on my mid 2012 Mac Pro Desktop. Now I have a Mac Studio and the hanging midi fiasco has arrived!
0 votes
answered Mar 31, 2023 by devingademan (350 points)

This isn't very promising to hear. I am reaching out to another synthesizer-related forum in the hope that it will bring a solution to this problem. I'll check this page every now and then.
0 votes
answered Oct 10, 2023 by gertidruga (310 points)
edited Oct 10, 2023 by gertidruga

This would be very simple to do from the S1 team. They just need to "clean" up more when you press STOP. Pressing Stop in S1 looks it just pauses the engine, or maybe some note off messages. 

Try this scenario. Press Start/Play and just keep pressing one note in your keyboard, now press STOP, some instruments stop, some don't. That's because some instruments are doing the "cleaning up" in the way they are programmed, others they keep playing until you let go. The same scenario in Cubase would stop EVERY instruments, because Cubase is sending some notes off, midi cc123 or I don't know what.  

That is why Studio One has more hanging-stuck notes than other Daw's. Pressing STOP should stop everything and I believe this is a veeery easy fix by Presonus team. 

I've assigned one of my knobs in Kontakt A61 to act like midi CC123. Thats the only way I know how to fix this issue. No more Kontakt problems, just select the track move the knob, stuck note is gone. 

Since my problems are all related to Kontakt a shortcut to (!) Panic Button would be ideal but that's up to Native not S1.

0 votes
answered Apr 14, 2024 by FallingAwake86 (440 points)

Same issue here since version 5 and I compose with a lot of hardware synths. I have tried a comparison with other DAWs and S1 cannot seem to its stuff together and dump it when stopped. It hangs on my "older" synth the - the Q and on my newest - Kyra. This also causes the audio engine to crash too whether thunderbolt or USB and whether Mac, Windows, or Linux. This is easy to fix so long as Presonus puts down the copy paste functionality and embraces nice optics. Very annoyed!

0 votes
answered Jun 19, 2024 by markbeling (1,450 points)
Hi Folks.

here is a solution. It should just be sorted by Presonus but they dont give a .........!! on a Mac ( I am not sure it works on PC). just press Shift and #. thats set to all Notes Off. I have no idea why no one from Presonus has chimed in here about this..... such a simple issue they could fix