Questions & Answers

how to change output midi channel on ATOM SQ

+2 votes
asked May 20, 2021 in Atom Pad Controllers by jacquesherry (140 points)
Can you provide the possibility to change midi channel on ATOM SQ ?

Pads fixed to channel 10 is not a dream for me.

And cc fixed on channel 1 is not good .

It is a cause of divorce.

Ableton provide technical documentation on Push2 to Github,

why do you not provide the technical midi documentation for your ATOM SQ ?

Thank you

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 9, 2021 by tilokley (150 points)
Hi, in editor mode you can set individual midi channels for each preset.
0 votes
answered Oct 5, 2021 by jonemery (360 points)
Unfortunately, Presonus believes that having the pitch bend, touchpad, aftertouch and pad on/off broadcasting on different midi channels (when not used with S1) is normal. They told me to do a feature request to request having these components all send on the same midi channel. I made the FR to have everything track the assigned pad note on/off channel which can actually be changed. But I doubt it will get much notice. Who wants aftertouch on the drum channel?