Questions & Answers

Stuido One Pro v5 - How to change midi channel output from 10 to 1? Alesis DM10mkII Pro

+1 vote
asked Sep 5, 2020 in Studio One 5 by matthewsokolic (270 points)
edited Sep 5, 2020 by matthewsokolic
Recording midi from Alesis DM10mkII Pro to Studio One Pro v5 is great. But, when I send the track to Notion v6 I get nothing but the staff, title and metronone marking - no transcription (notes)! However, when I record midi drum parts with a keyboard, everything's hunky dory! The Alesis DM10mkII Pro will only send out data on channel 10, which if fine with SO v5, but not fot Notion v6. So how do I change the midi channel of the recorded midi from 10 in SO v5? Or get Notion to recognize channel 10 (drum notation)? Tried recording with the Alesis DM10mkII Pro into Superior Drummer v3 and importing the midi track to Studio One and sending it to Notion - it works well, but another added step! I bought Notion 6 primarily to transcribe drum parts from SO for editing in order to save some time.