Questions & Answers

May I delete Studio One 3 after installing Studio One 5?

0 votes
asked Jun 13, 2021 in Studio One 5 by adamwhisner (120 points)
After purchasing and installing the upgrade from Studio One 3 to Studio One 5 (without Sphere) - which I assumed would overwrite my Studio One 3 install - I now have two installations of Studio One on my hard drive.

Is it OK to delete the Studio One 3 installation without messing something up?

Please advise,


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 13, 2021 by wesleypeterson (21,030 points)
Delete away. Just be aware that anything saved on 5 can never be opened by 3. So if you have projects from 3 when you open them in 5 I would save it as a new version, just in case you want to go back and open them with 3 for some reason.