Questions & Answers

Unlink L/O 1+2 from Main Outs 1824C

+3 votes
asked Sep 8, 2021 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by andyhaweorth (150 points)

The 1824c has 8 line outs. L/O 1+2 are a mirror of the Main Outs.

This is problematic for customers who wish to use all 8 line outs eg for summing externally only gives 6 available outs should a user wish to also monitor the inbound L/R tracks from the sum.
My request is to have line outs 1+2 assignable as their own unique L/O for use however a user wishes.

Because the only other way to get all 8 L/O to pass audio to sum, and then bring back in through a stereo L/R is to use a DA converter over ADAT which a) adds extra expense b) because of the bug in S1 the clock needs resetting constantly. I'd rather just be able to use all 8 analogue outs.


2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Mar 9, 2022 by jameszaedow (160 points)
Hello Andy,

Did you get a response from presonus to your statement in any respect as to why they tie these two outputs together. It is a real thorn in my side as why the unit even have mains tied to line out 1 and 2. It is not what i want from the interface I don't need two of the same outputs. Purchased this unit thinking I had full access to all the line outs 1 thru 8 for the purpose of cue mixing. but now kind of disappointed that you actually have control of 3 thru 8 only .    :(


0 votes
answered Feb 10, 2023 by Brentalonious Monk (920 points)
I too am disappointed by this. Their advertising is misleading. If you want this to be the case then please thumbs up the OP.