Questions & Answers

Is the Presonus Revelator compatible with Playstation 5?

0 votes
asked Sep 11, 2021 in Revelator Series by chrismiller41 (190 points)
Recently purchased and love the sounds I can get with the revelator and would love to use it on my PS5. Are there any updates needed to make it compatible with it, or is there no way for the console to recognize it?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 9, 2022 by patrickprorok (440 points)
selected May 2, 2023 by AlexTinsley
Best answer
So Sony doesn't support USB UAC2, it only supports older UAC1 devices. So if Sony decides to implement support in the future then we can plug the mic directly into the console.

However I have found a workaround.

You need a laptop or PC on running the Universal Control Software. It doesn't work natively plugged directly into the PS5.

So setup your Revelator Dynamic on your PC/Laptop/Mac

Once you get it setup and working you'll need the following for the PS5:

You plug the Sabrent into the PS5 and select it in the PS5 as the Mic device.

Run the 1/8 cable from the device to back of the headphone port of your microphone.

If you run into line noise, run the ground loop isolator inline with the 1/8 cable.

Then just your levels and you're good too go.

Also I notice I get A LOT of line noise when I use the rear USB ports. It seems normal when I use the front the USB port. Though I have ALOT of gear, so it could just me a "me" issue.