Questions & Answers

aggregate device for Mac, Revelator mic and other usb mics?

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asked Apr 5, 2024 in MyPreSonus Questions by JosephHughes4279 (140 points)
so I have several usb mics and I have tried creating a aggregate device on my Mac to use the other mics as inputs on the daw studio one 6 but I cant get my revelator to work as a mic when I do it its only seems to be interested being the interface. is there a way we can update the mic and the software or firm ware so you can use it only as a mic with out the extra input and out put options I mean the easiest way would be like a competitor and use the input on two stereo channels and the output on another two completely stereo channels, creating the aggregate device needed to use the mic and any other mic or two of the same mics for podcasting,streaming, content creation, blogging  and music production as needed. please consider using this and the features for an update in the firmware so the entire mic can be unlocked without having all the hoopla