Questions & Answers

Using Faders with FireWire Return

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asked Sep 13, 2021 in Capture for StudioLive by yacxbbpq (120 points)
I apologize for my lack of knowledge. I recently took over the mixer for out church and I have learned a RIDICULOUS amount about live mixing and setting everything up for our live stream. We are using a SL 24.4.2 board. The biggest issue I'm having right now is with Capture.

I have recorded a few worship services in order to use them for training other staff. With FireWire returns engaged, I can hear the audio through our main speakers, and can mute each individual track, but the faders have no control over the volume. I'm aware the trim won't matter, but is there a way for the returns to be "post fader" so I can teach people how to to use the board in that manner?

Any suggestions, education, etc. would be EXTREMELY helpful. And again, I apologize for my very minute knowledge base! I want to learn as much as I can.