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Video tutorial on multi-mode with Zoom for Revelator io24

+3 votes
asked Sep 21, 2021 in Recording Interface Series Feature Requests by jamescarpenter4 (210 points)
A tutorial video on how to setup the Revelator io24 on both a Mac and Windows box in multi-mode configuration for  use with Zoom would be extremely helpful. This is especially true given the confusing mapping between the loopback naming and the mixer output naming.

I have it working for myself now, but only because I was willing to spend a lot of time figuring it out. A quick video would have made it painless.


Here is a copy of my notes below which explains my eventual settings.

StreamMix must be selected for all of mixer to work.

The output channel has:

Main: The analog output intended for speakers on the back of the device

MixA: Goes into laptop as Revelator IO 24 {USB 1/2}

MixB: Goes into laptop as Revelator IO 24 Virtual A (bit confusing) {USB 3/4}

MixC: Goes into laptop as Revelator IO 24 Virtual B (bit confusing) {USB 5/6}


In mixer:

Make sure Virtual A is muted in Mix A.

->This will avoid a feedback loop. Remember Virtual A in is actually USB 3/4

->Mix A is what is going out to Zoom.


Audio Delay:

USB 1/2: 4.00ms (as measured)

Seems to currently set same delay for everything when I set one.

Delay setting deactivates Voice FX.


Roles of each Mix:

Mix Main: Not currently used (unless patching into ATEM Mini)

Mix A: Controls what Zoom participants will hear

Mix B: Controls what I will typically monitor for myself.

Mix C: Not currently used


Desired Zoom settings:

Microphone: Revelator IO 24  (gets output from StreamMix being placed on USB 1/2)

Speaker: Revelator IO 24 Virtual A (goes into mixer as Virtual A {USB 3/4})

Also want Original Sound On.


Desired Amazon Music settings:

output: Revelator IO 24 Virtual B {USB 5/6}


Desired System Sound settings:

Output: Revelator IO 24 {USB 1/2} (shows up in playback input channel on mixer)

Input: Revelator IO 24 (gets output from StreamMix being placed on USB 1/2)