Questions & Answers

Mute/unmute for MainOut & Phones on Revelator io24

+13 votes
asked Sep 14, 2021 in PreAmps, Signal Processors and Monitoring Hardware by julianpawlowski (360 points)
The main monitors can be muted/unmuted on the hardware front panel only. I would like to see this option in the Universal Control software as well. Also, it would be great to have this functionality for the headphones as well as an independent control.

2 Answers

+5 votes
answered Nov 7, 2021 by michaeldickmann (270 points)
Yes. And please make this function available as a hotkey, this would finally allow me to have a global mute/unmute button for the mic and the loudspeakers!!!!! Kind regards, Michael
0 votes
answered Nov 19, 2021 by josephskinner3 (350 points)
I hate these companies that are only interested in getting out their product and have not thought about things as simple as default settings. When I boot up my pc the speakers default to unmuted. Also the mic is hot when booting up even though I have the mic muted in the software. I could something like this be overlooked? My isn't their a default settings area? By the way what is the Global Mute button used for within the software?