Questions & Answers

StudioLive iii 24R needs two power cycle to start correct

+7 votes
asked Oct 8, 2021 in StudioLive Series III by jonathanjhme (220 points)

I have an issue with my StudioLive Series III 24R, after every first power cycle the unit is not booting correctly. Looks like in picture below.

- No sound coming out to the Unit

- as you can see, level of effect channel and all output are high, without any input signal

I need to switch of the Rack and wait for 20 second, after power it ON again it works fine. Unit is running with latest firmware and I was wondering if someone have the same issue? Or any idea why this happens. Thanks for help.



8 Answers

+1 vote
answered Oct 21, 2021 by mackjohnson1 (78,460 points)
Best answer

 You may need to perform a factory reset on that mixer.

If that doesn't solve the issue, create a support ticket because and they should be able to help you out.

+3 votes
answered Jan 31, 2022 by amatuzzo (210 points)
I too have this problem,  I am on my second mixer, having returned the first one as requested by Presonus.  Second one does exactly the same thing.  I find it hard to believe three units do this and no one at Presonus has any idea what to do.  To be fair, I did the full factory re-set and re-loaded the firmware and it made no difference on either unit.  Anyone else seeing this issue?
+1 vote
answered May 25, 2022 by frantiseknovak (180 points)
I have the same problem except it does not show that full level meters - it simply does not show anything. Support ticket won't help as I was asked to solve this (and other problems) with reseller. They can't solve it as this is firmware issue with very high probability. I'd like to ask if you have solved this issue and if not, if you have network connected and/or AVB and/or both as I am suspicious this problem occurs just in case the network is connected.
+1 vote
answered May 30, 2022 by derikcloete (620 points)
I have the same problem. It is really annoying and time consuming trying to figure out why audio isn't getting through to the speakers, or why certain channels don't show any metering... and finally I remember that this is just a standard issue with all of our StudioLive mixers, and then I power cycle them to fix it. not cool.
+1 vote
answered Jul 30, 2022 by Romeo1z (170 points)
I’m having a similar issue, with mine when I start it I get what looks like noise on some of the channels with nothing plugged into them.  I have had to cycle the mixer off then on again to get the signal noise to go away.  Then last night the mixer, thankfully at the end of a show wouldn’t play any of the playback music I run through the digital reference. I couldn’t connect to the mixer through universal controller without cycling it back off then on again.  Tried to restart the computer and nothing changed.  I was able to connect to the mixer with iPad via my Wi-Fi but still has no signal from the digital reference.  Once I restarted it everything worked as it should but I must say this is completely unacceptable.
+1 vote
answered Aug 16, 2022 by michaelcicero1 (160 points)
Mine was just delivered and it is doing it too.  Support directed me to Sportiesound outside of Nashville, which is an authorized repair shop.  

Mike from Sportiesound indicated that there are a couple of components that are faulty in the power section, which causes it to going into fault mode on first boot.

While I have to pay for shipping to his shop, the turnaround time is one week, and the problem will be fixed 100%.
0 votes
answered Jun 12, 2023 by tunetitan (190 points)
Same issue here. I purchased two units and have had this issue since day one. Presonus, where are you at on this issue?
0 votes
answered Jun 6, 2024 by powerkor (490 points)
Same thing is happening with my 24R mixer. Believe me, this will be the last presonus product I buy. Nothing but issues since I opened the box. For the $ I expect a professional-grade product. Several shows have come to a complete stop because this thing is not stable.