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FR - Custom MIDI CC Tab names

+53 votes
asked Apr 4, 2016 in Studio One Feature Requests by scoredfilms (6,850 points)
edited Apr 4, 2016 by scoredfilms


As MIDI CC values depend on the VST, these tabs are typically named inconsistently, incorrectly, or not at all (as shown in the pic below, using Vienna Ensemble Pro to host instruments on a multi-computer setup). Please let us right-click or double click to rename these tabs.

The problem with the current design: (link to higher res pic)

Instead of "Dummy 1-1-0", etc. (not very helpful), users should be able to rename tabs to terms like Vibrato, Time Stretch, OSC Wave, LFO-1. Even "MIDI CC 108" would be better than no option to rename. Relying on the VST means inconsistent data in a world where companies just don't standardize. With as many instruments out there that let you custom-map CC's, this is a must really. It's a brilliant piano-roll, but tweaking it would make it manageable and improve user experience in the editor tremendously.

The proposed solution:

  1. Custom Tab names
  2. Use Standard CC values (like Cubase) or an option to lock tabs across tracks. For those of us with large templates (500+) tracks, a consistent editor or preset-based editor would make life better. =)



4 Answers

+6 votes
answered Apr 5, 2016 by Skip Jones (166,970 points)

Thank you for the feature request. 

If anyone else agrees or disagrees, then please vote it up, or down. 

To vote:

In agreement click on the little blue triangle pointing up.

In disagreement click on the little blue triangle pointing down.

The developers pay close attention to those that are voted on the most. 

You are allowed one vote. 

Just viewing and agreeing but not clicking on the vote does not help the issue. 

Please click on one or the other. 

0 votes
answered Jan 7, 2018 by scoredfilms (6,850 points)
In case it helps anyone out there... there is one work-around to this (albeit far less than the ideal this feature request aims for)...

If you create a sequencer event, add all the CC's you need, then copy that event to other tracks, it will route to the right CC's in VEP, even if it's a different MIDI channel. I did this, copied it to every track, and started out the sequencer with a sort of MIDI event preset. It also sets my default instrument parameters, which I prefer anyway. It's still not custom tab names, so not easy to read... but for a few CC's alone, it's a starting point.

0 votes
answered Mar 10, 2021 by Wills (140 points)
This feature is included in Reaper and works very well. In fact, The problem is to have on midi name definition per instrument... To do that, Reaper has introduced a relevant feature which is the capability to create a "dedicated" txt file for each instrument which contains names for midi CC but also a name for notes (well used for drum maps and possibly used for organ for presets notes which are blacks on an Hammond organ) . This file will probably contain in the future others characteristics as the range... which could be interesting to automatically adjust vertical cursor in the piano view, referenced to the "tessiture" of the instrument. We hope that Presonus will introduce this kind of "dedicated file" in the future.
0 votes
answered May 2, 2024 by Alexander Voellmer (200 points)
Any new developments? Sometime my Roland TD-27 MidiCCs drive me crazy. Sometimes I forget them and then need to fiddle around to remember what they do...