Questions & Answers

Atom Pad knob response behavior (rotation ratio)

+3 votes
asked Nov 25, 2021 in Atom Pad Controllers by guidomuschack (150 points)
Hi there ,
the encoder knob of my AtomPad controller moves the assigned knob of an instrument depending on the rotation speed? Slow = sensitive. Fast = more movement? But fast movements cause jerking, slight jumps in value. It would be nice if it were possible to set the ratio to 1: 1. Then i would always know exactly how the controller behaves. Is this behavior normal, can it be adjusted, or even generally improved? I am not satisfied with it. Thanks very much

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Sep 26, 2022 by recreation (370 points)
I would LOVE to see a feature like this implemented, the repeatability of movements on this controller is not great at all, which is a shame as everything else is awesome!