Questions & Answers

How do I program ATOM pad buttons for custom functions in Studio One

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asked Nov 29, 2021 in Atom Pad Controllers by jonathanmyers6 (160 points)
I would like to program one of the pad buttons on my ATOM to arm a track. I am using Studio One 5.4. I don't really care which pad it is but want to be able just press a pad button to arm a track or unarm a track instead of tapping the "R" key on keyboard. Can anyone tell me how to customize the pad functions? Thanks!

1 Answer

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answered Dec 2, 2021 by jonathanmyers6 (160 points)


I wanted audio tracks to automatically Arm when selected with my Atom. VSTs already did that. The solution: "Instrument Inputs Follow Selection" is enabled by default which allows VSTs to automatically be armed when selected. There is also an option through the Console tab to enable "Audio Input Follows Selection". Once enabled, no matter if I select an audio track or VST, once selected the track is automatically armed, then un-armed once I select a different track. Success for what I was trying to accomplish smiley
