Questions & Answers

AR8 will not power on

–1 vote
asked Dec 8, 2021 in AR Hybrid USB Mixers by jennyhanson (140 points)
I have two AR8 Hybrid mixers.  They have been sitting unused for about a year and a half due to the pandemic.  We are back at it now and went to turn the mixers on and nothing.  Not a spec of life.  I double check the power supply, the outlets, and the signal path.  Neither mixer will turn on. Anyone have any ideas for a fix?  These have hardly been used at all - I'd hate to be looking at replacing 2 dead boards.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 16, 2021 by mackjohnson1 (78,460 points)
selected Jan 4, 2022 by mackjohnson1
Best answer

Create a support ticket, they should be able to help you out.

0 votes
answered Mar 28, 2023 by matthewpilch (140 points)
I just experienced this same issue. Only for me, I have used my AR8c daily since I bought it a little over a year ago. Yesterday, without warning or any other type of indication that there was an issue, it went completely dead. Can't turn it on, can't do anything. Really hoping that someone has a suggestion. I did open up a work ticket, but after reading through the forums, I losing hope that there will be a solution.