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Playback sounds slowed down.

0 votes
asked Apr 7, 2016 in Studio One 3 by albertcayton (240 points)

Here is a list of equipment I'm using:

  • MacMini running OS 10.10
  • Studio One 3.2
  • Audiobox
  • ********* XR18 Air mixer
Recently tracked drums using the XR18 Air as the audio interface with scratch vocal and guitar tracks.  I brought my computer home and am using the Audiobox as the audio interface there.  When I playback the tracks the scratch tracks sound lower in pitch from when we recorded and played them back at the drummer's house.  Would there be any reason for that (software or hardware related)? I did have to fiddle around with the sample blocks, because we had some latency issues hearing the audio as we were tracking.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 27, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer
This is usually a sample rate mismatch issue. With Studio One, a Studio One song controls the desired sample rate. New Song Window choose desired sample rate. The audio hardware should switch accordingly.

If the hardware does not switch, then you will have to manually set the sample rate you want before opening Studio One. And when you create a new song, in the New Song window, choose the same sample rate.

Since you are using a Berhinger mixer, I advise contacting them to let them know that board is not switching sample rates. They may have a fix or suggestion to get that working correctly.