Hello, I am using the AudioBox USB 96 to connect my Yamaha PSR-170 into StudioOne 4 Artist, but it is giving me an issue. StudioOne is receiving the MIDI data in all forms (on the MIDI monitor, the input indicator, and even the volume on the track is reacting as if I am playing and I am able to record the MIDI data onto Virtual Instruments), yet there is no audio output for my MIDI data with the VI. I am unable to hear anything from the use of the VIs. I encountered this issue when I first hooked this thing up and then I made a Song to experiment with the VIs and for some reason it works on that Song just fine, but I haven't been able to get it to work on any other songs.
Is there a setting I need to change that I am unaware of? I am not sure how I got one Song to work but not others.