Questions & Answers

how to move a section of a track to another track to edit.

+1 vote
asked Mar 12, 2022 in Studio One 5 by Anybass (180 points)
i want to move a section of a single track to another track, clean it up and save it as a song to burn it to a cd. i have an old version of studio one that came with the old 2 channel interface. thanks

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 13, 2022 by wesleypeterson (21,030 points)
You should be able to highlight the section you want to move and either copy it/ paste it where you want - click on the time up top and then click on the destination track on the far left and past. Or you can select it, hold alt+cick and drag the selection to the new track and time (if you want to copy it. If you don't want to copy but just move it don't hold alt. Lastly you can highlight it, right click and choose 'split range' or something similar, going off memory, and then drag it.