Questions & Answers

Universal Control mixer does not react to audio from io44.

+1 vote
asked Aug 11, 2024 in Revelator Series by michaelwoolley (130 points) 1 flag
I installed Universal Control (Win 11 PC desktop with Cakewalk and Studio One installed together with MIDI keyboard).  I then opened UC and connected io44 (headset with mic).  UC recognizes io44.  I then opened mixer or meter page, mixer does not register audio from io44.  The LED screen on the hardware indicates the io44 is working.  However, nothing registers on the meter or mixer page.  I then installed UC on MacBook Pro (MacOS Catalina) and everything appears to work as it is supposed to (same io44 with headset/miic).  I next installed on a Window 11 Home desktop and everything appears to work as it is supposed to.  So the problem seems to reside on my first Windows 11 desktop.  I supposed there could be a registry problem, but alas I am uncertain.  Any ideas on how to fix my problem?  Thank you.