Questions & Answers

Stop asking to save Song/Project when no changes have been made

+3 votes
asked May 29, 2022 in Studio One 3 by soglad (620 points)
Please remove the feature that asks if i want to save a file when I have opened a file, but not made any changes. Make a check if there are any changes before prompting. It is confusing (makes me wonder if i have missed something?) and interrupts the workflow.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 31, 2023 by chandlerbriggs (1,520 points)
I find this most troubling with editing a song once added to a project. One way to resolve this would be to add an additional update option such as "Update and close song". If needed to open the song again it would be a step but would take less time than updating the song again in the master just to be sure.